Thursday, February 26, 2009

Technical Imaginative ideas

Hai all n Readers of my blog

In this blog i wanna share an idea which originated in my mind ...which i tried to implement but half way thru due to some problems........

I have little forgetfullness has some of people do i tend to forget my pen drive after plugging in my lab or friends computer.....

so i decided like after i plugin my pendrive an autogenerated mail should be sent to my mail id about the last plugin details like the computer's IP adress....using smtp protocol....

So that even if someone steals my pen drive i could easily trace it out by my e-mail..about where is the pen drive last plugged in..........

I tried implementing it by using a tool called "blat" which sends email thru command line...but could not study the tool fully.......

This is my idea which i wanted to share........Hope u all liked it.............

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