Friday, February 13, 2009

Life.......wat is it.....

Hai all...readers of my blog...

Wat is this life all about...wat are we heading towards.....where it will end......what should we do to lead a proper life....wat is a proper life first..........u can question more........but u cant get the correct anwer...if u feel got the answer...then it would be right may be for some time..but the same would turn wrong after sometime....god its killing.....

Different...Different likings at some part of life...various addictions.....various plans....certain may end positively..certain may not.....atlast we compromise ourselves that i have learned something...but the learnt one is not stable....changes with time.....

Oh god..Nothing is stable in life....all thing changes....okay...lets be flexible and go for the changes.......But still heart cant bear the pain..things occuring during the changes....

Everyone have some problem or the one is without problems.....coz without problems we cant learn things and life would be boring........

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