Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Favourite Quotes....

Hai all Readers of my Blog

Here i'll post Quotes which i liked ...Some are Original..Some are read...

-->Do the basics right.....

-->Theory is very important ..coz makes u understand clearly..all the things....

-->Think less.....Talk less.....Work more.......

-->When u are happy in Life u wont do bad things............So try to be happy and make others happy.......

-->To be happy u can sacrifice anythin in life.........

-->Life is not to Impress others but to express yourself...Express not just by words but by actions.......

-->Evalavo Pannitom etha pana mattoma.....

-->School n College Education should lay a strong base foundation to every child and teach him how to face life further and acheive things.If such things doesn't happen then 20 years of education is waste.................

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